Monday 26 August 2013

The Keen: At Least It Keeps the Man Toes Covered.

Manolo says, since the Manolo has recently been talking about the popular brands of the comfort shoes, perhaps it time to consider the monstrosity that is the Keen.

Monday 19 August 2013

What to Wear if You are the Man: Desert Boots

Manolo says, since the Manolo has come out strongly against the Keen sports mandals, what then should the , sporty man of the age of the middle be wearing when he is not ‘shredding it with his homies’?”
 What else? The desert boot, also know as the chukka boot.

This is the Branch from Base London, the smart-looking, leather dessert boot that will not only cover your man toes, but make you look like the respectable adult human, rather than the over-grown-adolescent couch surfer.
Here is one more choice…

Monday 5 August 2013

Manolo’s Late Night Bargain: Ash Shoes from Brand Boudoir

Manolo says, from the Brand Boudoir comes the many end-of-the-season bargains on the Ash Shoes, the French brand made in Italy, for the example…This is the Lucy from Ash, the Cleopatra-inspired, kitten-heeled sandal that is selling for 57% off of the usual price.

 [Source: shoeblogs]